69-year-old male patient
Re-Revision, Treatment with MP Reconstruction System, MobileLink Acetabular Cup System and Dual Mobility Insert

Dr. Russell T. Nevins
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Desert Orthopaedic Center, Las Vegas
Case Description

Preoperative X-ray
- S/P Re-Revision THA to MOM disease
- Patient fell 6 month ago
- Fracture left - leg in severe retroversion (foot externally rotated 80° when ambulates)
- Fracture had already healed - either needed to reopen fracture or bypass
- Leg length 2 cm shortened
Course of Treatment
- Poor acetabular bone stock – patient already had a revision socket for metal on metal disease
- The retroverted stem was corrected with Link MP Reconstruction System and MobileLink Acetabular Cup System including Dual Mobility Insert
- Components:
- MobileLink TiCaP (increase chances of bone integration) with Dual Mobility Insert (since poor abductors and malunited fracture)
- MP Reconstruction System (distal fixation beyond fracture) with Spacer 10 mm (leg length correction)

Postoperative X-ray
- Despite the poor bone quality, a stable Re-Revision THA could be achieved using the components of the LINK hip revision portfolio
- The MobileLink allowed a secure positioning of the acetabular cup – thanks to the HX coating long term biologic ingrowth occured
- The cementless MP stem provided a stable anchoring without sintering and reached a tight engagement of splines to endosteal bone
- Due to the modularity of the MP Reconstruction System the length could be individually adjusted

Postoperative X-ray